Solidarity with Occupied Palestine.
Third world is a relatively new word, and many people do not understand this concept. Therefore, the following brief explanation of its derivation and meaning.
The first world consists of the capitalist-imperialist nations, including the Chief oppressor of humanity, the United States, and the much-weakened European nations of England, France, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, and more recently Israel.
The third world consists of the colonized or formerly colonized countries of the world. These include the nations and people of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
They have a unique destination of being oppressed and pillaged by the First World, i.e., by the colonist European and American powers.
The advent of Western industrialization brought with it imperialist expansion and oppression of the nations and the people of the third world. However, industrialization also perfected communication and transportation systems, which had the effect of exposing the international nature of the oppressor.
Through the process of slavery, African people found themselves scattered throughout the world, all victims of systematic exploitation by the Western Powers. The Asian people, likewise, found their lands invaded and pillaged and their cultures and religions trampled upon and repressed.
The original inhabitants of Latin America had the unfortunate experience of having been discovered by Europe, and as a result, were colonized and their populations completely decimated. After throwing off the chains of European feudalism, the Latin American population, made up of people of Spanish, Indian, and African ancestry, was immediately re-colonized by their northern neighbor, the United States, and the familiar process of rape, murder, and exploitation was continued.
We all have suffered from the same kind of exploitation and colonial oppression as our sisters and brothers in our homelands.
Some people talk about adopting the position of neutrality, but despite these proclamations, the fact remains that there can be no middle road between capitalism and socialism. You cannot be neutral in the world today; we. are engaged in a war to the finish between the Oppressed and Oppressors, between those who produce the wealth of the world and those who own it, between those who pursue the capitalist path and those committed to socialist development. To combat an international enemy (i.e., imperialism), international resistance is needed, therefore, the need for Third World Unity.
The concept of third-world unity encompasses the struggles for liberation in the Americas, the Caribbean, and on the continents of Africa and Asia. I believe socialism is committed to the liberation struggles of Africans, Asians, and Latin People, wherever they may be.
Despite cultural differences, this common oppression unites us in the struggle to eradicate these evils. We occupy a unique place at a critical time in history; we have the choice to advocate for a real change, and that change must encompass the liberation of Palestine and the two-state existence with Israel.
This is why it’s important to say Free Palestine, loud and clear. Say it from your chest. Cut through the noise and be adamant about Palestinians’ right to live, love, and be liberated.